2023 Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellows

Kyshia Henderson
Department: Psychology
Kyshia Henderson is a social psychologist whose primary interest lies in examining how White Americans justify and promote racism. Specifically, her work has examined how White Americans ignore, dismiss, and distort historical truths in ways that promote white supremacy. In her work, she takes seriously historical context, and has worked to provide a framework for thinking about historical context in psychological science. Kyshia earned her PhD from the University of Virginia and her BA from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Ramón Garibaldo Valdéz
Department: Political Science
Ramón Garibaldo Valdéz is a scholar of U.S. race and ethnic politics (REP), immigration policy and politics, and social movements. His current book project is entitled, “La lucha de cada día: Immigrant Justice Organizing and the Political Remaking of Illegality in the U.S.” Based on three years of ethnographic research, it centers immigrant justice organizations, led by and representing undocumented immigrants and asylum-seekers, as key actors in American democracy. It chronicles and analyzes immigrant-led community organizing, exploring the strategies employed by these communities to advance welcoming social policies, create long-lasting political infrastructures, and even organize inside detention centers.
Ramón earned Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees from Yale University’s Political Science Department, and a B.A. in political science from Johnson C. Smith University, a Historically Black College in North Carolina. Ramón is a passionate advocate of activist research, ethnographic methods, and grounded theorizing in the study of politics.